How ProStaffix Can Help You Achieve Emiratisation

At ProStaffix, we are committed to finding the best talent for all your recruitment needs. As a leading UAE nationals recruitment agency, our team is super skilled and will deliver the right solutions for all your business needs.

No matter the size and scale of your business, we provide be spoke solutions that helps achieve goals quicker. As your UAE national recruitment agency, we’ll offer you a suite of services includes contract staffing, permanent recruitment, HR consultancy services, PRO services, payroll services and more.

What else can ProStaffix help you with? Emiratisation is one of our newer capabilities. Let us delve into the concept of Emiratisation, its importance and how ProStaffix can help with Emiratisation hiring. Our handy guide will cover it all.

What is Emiratisation?

One of the most important initiatives undertaken by the UAE government, Emiratisation refers to the process of incorporating UAE nationals into the private sector by providing them with employment opportunities.

The new Emiratisation policies for UAE national hiring are in effect from 1st January, 2023. Those companies who fail to follow the Emiratisation requirements will be subject to penalties. The Emiratisation policy in the United Arab Emirates is comparable to the Saudisation policy in Saudi Arabia.

What were the old requirements?

Emiratisation has been in force in the UAE for a while now. In the banking and insurance sector, the Emiratisation quota was 4% and 5% respectively.

However, in 2017, a landmark judgement came into being. A form of labour market testing was introduced for employers having more than 50 employees. Under the new laws, organizations are required to have 2% Emirati representation if their workforce is above the 50 count. Essentially, there should be 1 Emirati for every 50 employees.

The Tawteen and NAFIS schemes were also introduced during this time to further the Emiratisation process.  However, now Tawteen has been assimilated into NAFIS and no longer exists.

What are the new Emiratisation requirements?

The new Emiratisation requirements apply to all employers falling under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE). MOHRE issued a new Ministerial Decision with regard to Emiratisation efforts in the United Arab Emirates.

Under this, all organizations in the private sector have to not only comply with the 2% Emirati quota but also have to increase this number year by year so as to reach the 10% mark by 2026. However, for the banking and insurance sectors, the quotas would remain at 4% and 5% respectively.

What constitutes a skilled worker?

When it comes to Emiratisation hiring, an employee is classified as a skilled worker if he/she meets the following pre-requisites:

  • He/she must draw a monthly salary of a minimum of AED 4000
  • He/she must have a high school certificate or its equivalent as a minimum educational requirement
  • He/she must fall into one of the following 5 categories

What does an employee

need to be counted in the quota

Firstly, employers need to ensure that they comply with all labour regulations.

Secondly, they need to provide each United Arab Emirates national with a work permit and employment contract.

Thirdly, they need to be registered with the applicable pension authority and lastly, they need to be paid through the Wage Protection System.

All about NAFIS;

The comprehensive Emiratisation program

Nafis is a federal program to increase the competitiveness of Emirati human resources and empower them to occupy jobs in the private sector. Part of ‘Projects of the 50’, the program aims to accelerate the UAE’s development journey and boost the economy.

The word ‘Nafis’ means to compete in Arabic. Launched on 13th September 2021, the program seeks to equip Emirati nationals with the knowledge and skills they need to secure employment in the private sector.

The NAFIS program aims to create 75,000 jobs in the private sector by 2025. Supporting Emiratis in different stages of their career, from a fresher to someone who has been in the workforce for a while and is looking for growth. All organizations now need to compulsorily register with NAFIS under the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation. As your Emiratisation recruitment agency, we can guide you through the process to help you comply with it.

The Emirati Salary Support Scheme

The Emirati Salary Support Scheme is ideal for those who want to train themselves to get a full-time job in the private sector.

They are paid a difference between their current and target salary under this scheme.

ProStaffix Overview

People are the backbone of any organization and finding the right talent can be a time-consuming and challenging process. This is where we at ProStaffix come in. We are a leading Emiratisation recruitment agency in the United Arab Emirates. With over 16 years of experience, we are experts when it comes to talent in the UAE region. Having worked with organizations of different sizes from various verticals as well as the highest levels of the UAE government, we have the skill and expertise you require to achieve your Emiratisation targets.

We pride ourselves on a strong understanding of the local market and the various cultures present in the region. We apply this knowledge when it comes to scouting for the best talent for your organization.

Whether you’re a start-up looking to set your Emiratisation quota in motion or a large multinational corporation struggling with understanding the new legislature, allow ProStaffix to take care of this for you.

You can reach out to our team, and we will get back to you with customized solutions to your needs and help you navigate the world of Emiratisation


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